Current Studies
Born and Bred in (BaBi) East London
BaBi East London is a research study that aims to improve understanding of the health of pregnant people and their families in East London. By finding out more about the factors that can affect it we can think about changes that would improve the health of mothers and their families across East London.
To do this, data that is normally collected before, during and after the pregnancy about you and your child will be linked together, such as health, social and educational data. From this, we can look at wider factors that might affect your and your family’s health and wellbeing.
With a better understanding of what influences your and your family’s health, recommendations can be made about things that can be improved. You might also be invited to take part in other research studies in the future that can be suitable for you or your child.
BaBi East London is part of the BaBi network, a group of local BaBi studies that work together. The BaBi network aims to create a series of electronic cohorts across the country. Further information can be found by visiting the BaBi Network Website.
What Happens Next
Your midwife will ask you to look at a Participant Information Sheet, which explains about the research study in more detail, and if you like to take part. If you would like to take part, you can let your midwife know and your midwife will note this on your record. It would not require you to do anything. If you do not want to take part, please let your midwife know. It will not affect your care in any way. If you want more time to decide, you can let your midwife know in your next visit.
We just need your consent to join the study, you don’t need to do anything else after consenting to join.
Please find the Participant Information Sheet translated into different languages below:
Your Data
Our information systems are managed to strict security standards. We also follow General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules and the Data Protection Act (2018).
We make sure that participants can’t be identified in our results, or in any reports that are published about the research studies. Person Identifiable Data, such as your name and address, is removed from the study information and stored separately. When researchers use the data which has been collected about participants, they do not receive any information which could identify someone individually.
If you would like more information or would like to join BaBi East London please email:
Further information can also be found by visiting the Born and Bred In (BaBi) Network Website.