Previous Studies

EMmY: Effectiveness and acceptability of myo-inositol nutritional supplement in the prevention of gestational diabetes: a pilot placebo controlled double blind randomised trial.
There has been an increase in Gestational Diabetes particularly among minority populations throughout the U.K. Gestational Diabetes has been linked to a number of Maternal and Fetal complications. In particular, it has been found that Women who have Gestational Diabetes will have a 70% increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes with 10 years post-delivery. Further evidence suggests that Myo-Inositol has a promising role in preventing Gestational Diabetes by up to 60%. This is a nutritional supplement, shown to be safe during pregnancy.
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of administering myo-inositol to pregnant women to reduce the risk of gestational diabetes, the current study will ask the following main questions:
-What are the rates of recruitment and randomisation?
-What proportion of those randomised complete the study?
-What are the reasons for participation and non-participation?
Study Start: February 2018
Study Duration: 20 Months
Participating Sites:
-The Royal London Hospital
-Whipps Cross University Hospital
-Newham University Hospital
-St. George's Hospital
-Manchester Royal Infirmary
Recruitment Target: 250