Previous Studies

MERIT: Prevention of progression to type 2 diabetes in women with gestational diabetes: A feasibility study for a randomised trial on a Mediterranean diet.
Background: ​
Up to 50% of women affected by Gestational Diabetes (GDM) will progress to type 2 diabetes in the next five years. The proportion of women diagnosed with GDM is on the increase, and if GDM or type 2 diabetes continue to go undiagnosed and untreated, there is an increased risk of a number of maternal and fetal complications.
Mediterranean diet means consumption of vegetables and fruit, olive oil and nuts and low consumption of red meat and processed foods. These foods can have a positive effect on blood sugar levels and have the potential to prevent diabetes. They have been shown to reduce lipid levels and cardiovascular adverse events in the non-pregnant high-risk population. We believe that following a Mediterranean diet after pregnancy could reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in women who previously had GDM.
​​MERIT is a feasibility study in preparation for a future large-scale trial and will ask the following questions:
- What are the rates of recruitment?
- What proportion of those recruited complete the study?
- What are the reasons for participation and non-participation?
Study start: June 2019
Study Duration: 20 months​
Recruitment Target: 90 women
Participating Sites:
- The Royal London Hospital
- Whipps Cross University Hospital