Senior Lecturers & Lecturers

Dr Priya Bhide, MD. FRCOG
Clinical Senior Lecturer, QMUL
Priya Bhide is a Clinical Senior Lecturer at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). She is the module convenor for obstetrics and gynaecology for undergraduate teaching at Bart’s and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, QMUL.
She is an experienced clinician with more than a decade of experience in reproductive medicine and assisted conception. She works as a member of the senior clinical team at the Homerton Fertility Centre, London and is a preceptor for all training modules of the British Fertility Society.
Priya has participated in undergraduate teaching at QMUL since 2015 as a part of the lecture faculty and examiner and has taken over as module convener since 2018. Priya’s research interests include reproductive endocrinology, PCOS, subfertility and assisted conception. She has worked with the research team at WHRU since 2015. This collaborative work has led to publications, grants and ongoing projects. She is a co-applicant, co-investigator and lead clinician on the Time-Lapse Imaging Trial (TILT). As principal investigator, she has experience of recruitment to multi-centre, national and international RCTs leading to successful high impact publications. She supervises for MD at QMUL and the Advanced Professional Module (APM) of the RCOG. She is a member of the Reproductive Medicine Clinical Studies Group (RMCSG) of the RCOG and the Cochrane Gynaecology and Subfertility group.
Dr. Elena Greco
Clinical Senior Lecturer
Elena Greco is a Clinical Senior Lecturer at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). She is the module co-lead for Obstetrics and Gynaecology for undergraduate teaching at Bart’s and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, QMUL.
She is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist with a sub-specialty in Maternal and Fetal Medicine. She is part of the senior clinical team of the Fetal Medicine Centre at The Royal London Hospital, the tertiary referral centre in East London. She is the lead for the integrated multiple birth clinic and part of the regional Placenta Accreta team. She is the director of the RCOG sub-specialty training programme in Maternal and Fetal Medicine within Barts Health. She works at NIHR LCRN North Thames as Specialty lead for Reproductive Health and Childbirth.
Elena has participated in undergraduate teaching at QMUL since 2016 as a part of the lecture faculty and examiner and has taken over as module co-lead since September 2021. Elena’s research interests include prediction and prevention of pregnancy complications, complications in multiple pregnancies and communication in Fetal Medicine.
She has worked with the research team at WHRU since 2021. This collaborative work has led to ongoing publications, grants, and projects.
She supervises undergraduate students for SSC and postgraduate MD and PhD students at QMUL.

Professor Steve Thorton
Dr Jennifer Jardine
Jen is an Obstetrics and Gynaecology Registrar in North East and Central London, and an Academic Clinical Lecturer at Queen Mary University of London. Jen did her MSc in Medical Statistics and PhD in Public Health and Policy at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, working on the National Maternity and Perinatal Audit. She has expertise in epidemiological analysis of electronic health records to answer clinical and policy questions relating to the care of women giving birth and their babies. Jen has two small children, born at Barts Health, and lives locally in East London
Steve is Professor of Obstetrics in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London. He has a long standing interest in the mechanisms of labour and the treatment and prevention of preterm labour. He has applied biomedical techniques to investigate physiology and pathophysiology leading to the development of new oxytocin antagonists. He has received funding from numerous organisations including MRC and various charities. Recent appointments include Executive and foundation Dean of the University of Exeter Medical School, Dean of Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry and as Vice Principal (Health) at Queen Mary University of London. He has been a Board member of numerous funding organisations such as MRC, NIHR, HDRUK and charities. His current work includes clinical and non-clinical studies.